Living by the coast offers stunning ocean views and fresh sea breezes. However, coastal homeowners also face the challenges of high winds and salt-laden air that can wreak havoc on traditional landscapes. With thoughtful planning and smart plant selections, you can create picturesque and wind-resistant landscaping around your coastal home.

1. Choose Wind-Resistant Plants for Your Landscaping

When selecting plants for your coastal landscape, select wind-resistant varieties that can handle strong seaside gusts. Look for species like coastal heath, seaside goldenrod, and beach rose, which have adapted to withstand coastal conditions. Plant native grasses and shrubs, which often have deeper roots, to provide greater stability in windy environments.

2. Create Windbreaks

Windbreaks are helpful in windy coastal areas. Strategically install plants, such as evergreen trees and shrubs, on the windward side of your property to act as a protective barrier against strong gusts. A well-designed windbreak will shield your home and landscape, creating a more sheltered outdoor living space.

3. Opt for Low-Maintenance Hardscaping

Embrace hardscaping elements like stone patios, raised decks, and pathways in your landscape design. Hardscaping adds visual interest and reduces the need for extensive plantings that might struggle against coastal winds. Choose durable materials like natural stone or concrete that can withstand saltwater exposure and regular windy conditions.

4. Stabilize the Soil

Wind-resistant landscapes benefit from stable soil conditions. If your coastal property experiences soil erosion, incorporate ground cover plants or install retaining walls to fortify the ground and minimize erosion.

5. Mulch for Moisture Retention

Applying a thick layer of mulch around the base of your plants helps the soil retain moisture and protect against wind-driven soil erosion. Organic mulches, such as wood chips or pine straw, also enhance soil health and reduce the need for constant watering.

6. Wind-Resistant Landscaping: Container Gardening

Use container gardens for certain plants and flowers. Containers offer the flexibility to move delicate plants indoors during extreme weather or place them strategically for added protection against harsh winds.

7. Regular Pruning and Maintenance are Essential for Wind-Resistant Landscaping

Regular pruning of trees and shrubs is necessary in coastal areas. Trimming foliage creates a more streamlined, wind-resistant profile while preventing damage from broken branches during heavy winds. Prune trees and shrubs to remove dead or diseased branches before hurricane season arrives.

By designing your coastal landscape with wind-resistant plants and hardscaping elements and implementing protective strategies, you create an outdoor retreat that embraces the beauty of the coast while standing up to the challenges of the elements.

Seahorse Home Inspections offers inspection services to homebuyers and sellers in St. Lucie County and the surrounding areas. Contact us to schedule an appointment.